Service Ideas for 1 hour
If you need just one more hour for your community service requirement, here are some options:
You can clean out your closet or help your parents clean out stuff around the house and then drive the donations to Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity Restore shop or another charitable organization. Remember to take pictures of what you donate and where you drop it off at.
Giving Blood
You can stop into a Lifesource and donate blood. I will count this as one hour.
Feed My Starving Children
They have lots of shifts and some of them are just 1.5 hours.
You can clean out your closet or help your parents clean out stuff around the house and then drive the donations to Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity Restore shop or another charitable organization. Remember to take pictures of what you donate and where you drop it off at.
Giving Blood
You can stop into a Lifesource and donate blood. I will count this as one hour.

They have lots of shifts and some of them are just 1.5 hours.